Christopher Orr

Articles tagged talk

These are just a few of the public talks I’ve given since early 2012.
Fun fact: Deutsche Telekom wouldn’t let me talk publicly about my open source project, which was unrelated to the business. I sneaked in a lightning talk at Droidcon Berlin 2012 anyway… 🤷

Speaking at the San Francisco Android User Group

Speaking at the San Francisco Android User Group

Slides & video from the Dutch AUG "Better Builds" event

Slides & video from the Dutch AUG "Better Builds" event

Speaking at the Dutch Android User Group

Speaking at the Dutch Android User Group

FOSDEM 2013: Visiting and speaking

FOSDEM 2013: Visiting and speaking

Droidcon London 2012: Highlights & Jenkins talk video

Droidcon London 2012: Highlights & Jenkins talk video